Sunday, 11 December 2011

"I'm sorry, friend of Starfish, but there's only one captain of this love boat. That captain is me. The Chad."

Great way to start a blog with a quote from the ill-fated Charlies Angels movie. I'll bet you are wondering why even entertain the thought of doing such a thing? Relevance, people, relevance!! You see, tales of my friend/acquaintance "Chad" have spread (I've seen the stats..loads read it!) like wildfire, so it was only inevitable that more Chad stories would come to the fore. It appears he is now notorious. Not at cult-like demigod status yet, mind you. I will be like a bear if it comes to that.

Later in Chadtown, he told us the tale of when he was..erm..courting a girl in his local area. I was delighted for the fella, maybe now he might ease up on the intimidation factor when it came to the ladies in the factory. He was telling us the plan and everything, take the girl out for a night up the country, have dinner...and watch whatever is on the telly late at night. If there was nothing on telly, I'm sure a compromise of some kind would have been attained. You can imagine my horror when Chad gave a brief summary of the weekends events. I wont go into too much detail, but I would reckon if my dates mother came up for the weekend (UNANNOUNCED) and slept in the same room (not bed,now)..well, I wouldnt be best pleased. And neither was the Chad, for that matter.

Chad's erm...mojo...was starting to desert him, and desert him quickly. His once calm reserved question style was slowly altering into a more, forward, almost interrogation-like stance. Here is the full on approach in action. Note to budding Lotharios out there..this DOES.NOT.WORK.


"Fine, Chad."


"I'm washing my hair, Chad."

"WHATABOUTSATURDAY?" *getting slightly miffed

"Washing my hair again, Chad."

"........SUNDAY?" *Last Chance Saloon territory here

"I'd rather die!"

Chad was undeterred by this quite fatal rebuttal and just carried on about his business. When I say "going about his business" I mean going to the same shop six times in the space of six hours just to ogle a young lady behind the counter just to get a bottle of Lucozade each of those six times..well,alarm bells certainly start to ring. Three sixes..hmm......

Well enough about Chad (for now). Seven blogs in the space of six days is great going for me, considering I hadnt a notion what to talk about when I first got into it. Some were, I wont say serious, more honest than serious, and some, I hope, raised a laugh or two. When something comes into my head that I feel is worth putting up, then it goes up. I dont want to be doing blog overkill either, though! It is good to put the thoughts to screen, no matter how trivial they sound. Genuine thanks for reading, go back and have a read of my others, leave a comment, subscribe to my channel...Oh, if Carlsberg did shameless plugs.....:D

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