Sunday, 4 March 2012

Cups,scripts,ties,porter and real capitals

What a week it has been. A few days that somehow,just somehow, seemed to have everything to fall into place. Well, apart from Saturday afternoon (sound,RVP). The days in question involved football teams,a toe dipping into the world of acting, being in the company of lovely ladies and erm...political commentary. (Okay I only broke the last one out to freak out one of the lads and to get him off my case. But it DID work).

So Sunday started with Liverpool winning the Carling Cup. If you are not a football fan in any way, shape or form, you might want to skip this part. Don't worry, I'll tell you when it's safe to get back to reading. I will,really. I didn't go out for it,instead I stayed in-house and watched the drama unfold there, along with an agonising penalty shootout and the inevitable "Ughh its the League Cup ye won..thats like being single for 6 years and goin' away with Susan Boyle" jokes. Oh and Man U fans? That's the same cup ye won in 2009 and 2010, so no denouncing now,ok? Tsk tsk and tut tut!! But shur look, thats football for ya. All about banter and the slag. Shame it kicks off with hatred the odd time but it's the minority that start shite like that.

Then on Monday, there was Geography in college. Yup, the same module that nearly had me pack the whole course in last week. I never,ever, knew there was someone that loved castles and old relics as much as the tutor we had last week, so much so, (and she actually said this) that whenever the kids are in the car, and she sees some new castle that she hadn't seen before, she will proceed to get out of the car and take copious amounts of pictures of the castle or whatever artefact in question. Those poor kids. They must see castles in their sleep. I bet they bawl their eyes out when they see Lord Of The Rings or Robin Hood or something. He-Man could send them over the edge altogether. I digress, though. The Monday this time, had Political Geography of all things. See, we have to write an essay about the geographies of Ireland, but they gave us the option of what kind we can write least thats what I think,anyway. If thats the case, I can pull out some fairly out of left field (but valid) keypoints to write about. Which led to me harking about them to one of the lads,so much so, that he stopped bothering me. Who knew that the historical inaccuracies in Michael Collins v The Wind That Shakes the Barley comparisons would be a great deterrent?

Then on Tuesday, the nation got to see my fledgling acting career unfold in front of their eyes. Yes, I am in the Guild now (as I keep telling myself). The mother even recorded it and showed it to half the nanas in the parish. Shaming but expected. The vibe from Galway is good as well, apparently, I rang the lad that initially got me on in the first place to say thanks, and he said there might be another call up in August when they start filming again. Can't be bad, right? Ye knew me before I became famous,lads.

Fast forward to Friday, when I made a very very long overdue visit to Cork for #liketotaltweetup2. I hadnt been out in the city in close on three years,and I won't leave it as long the next time. Cork is where mam is from, so I am eligible for the passport. I wont say what half of me is Corkonian (the good half,naturally). I met some people there for the first time that I never conversed with, and people that I have been talking to for ages. I wont embarrass one too much, but one person in particular there is a heroine in my eyes. Unreal resolve and a pleasure to spend time with. Like I saud, no names, no names!!

And then the comedown yesterday. Liverpool lost to Arsenal. Yup,thats the week crashing back to normality. Still, was nice while it lasted.

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