Sunday, 12 February 2012

Kiss Your Mother With That Mouth?

Hmm. Yet another blank canvas for me to use. This will be a bit different from the usual tales. This will be about something, that I feel, has crept into an online prescence. And I'm sure everyone has experienced it at some stage. Yesterday it happened in a few different guises and I felt it was high time it was brought to light.

Keyboard warriors.

Yeah, you know the ones. The hard man (or woman) behind a keyboard. Because behind a rinky dinky computer monitor somewhere, there is someone that thinks they are the toughest individual going. This isnt a personal soapbox now, that I'm standing on (ok maybe it is in a way, but like I said, everyones gotten it in some form) but think about it. We've all seen the abuse that, say, footballers get. Ex-footballers even, that havent kicked a ball in years, due to retirement or injury. Some of the stuff that is said to them online you wouldnt say to a dog. I'm sure I can speak for the majority in or around my age group, that when you were growing up watching a football match, and a fella from the other team scored the winning goal that knocked you out of a tournament, you didnt want to fire up your laptop and send death threats to that individual? Sadly, that element IS there today. It is. Not only that, now it seems that taking a persons skin colour and using that as something to beat them with is what these reprobates get a kick out of. And you do get the cowards (who I will get to a little bit later) who will slink off and stay quiet, but then, bizarrely, there is the other side. This is the underlying part that doesnt sit right with me at all. You get the person that not only, wont hide away from dishing out racial abuse, but will practically fan the flames even higher and try to get even more of a reaction out of people. It beggars belief that they will even say where they are from! They dont seem to care if they are brought before the law. Do they see themselves as martyrs? In my eyes, they have the morals of sewer rats. Actually, thats an insult to sewer rats.

Now, onto the other side of the spectrum.

The sleazy keyboard warriors that only have one thing on their mind.

Now, hey, I will flirt till the cows come home (ask one or two) but I wont be a fuckin sick bastard going around sending personal messages insulting people that I havent met. I seen it happen yesterday to some friends and they handled it brilliantly. Usually its enough for sickos like that to take the hint and disappear. Naming and shaming them works wonders and changes their tune pretty quick. They are just the other part of pondlife that are about.

It just shows that most of the people that dish it out online, more than likely, arent able to take it in real life. Would they go up to some celebrity in the street givin' em shit? The vast majority wouldnt (bar someone in a gang or just some oddball with a superiority complex or something). Even only in the early hours of this morning, people were openly making jokes online about Whitney Houston. She wasnt even cold and people were mocking the whole thing. Just goes to show there are all sorts out there.

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