What is the one thing we all do,on a daily basis?
Regardless of whatever day you are having, you interact with people around you. And what is the most common interaction of all?
You may have heard Bob Hoskins recite the line "It's good to talk" from BT adverts from years gone by, but it is. It's good to talk. Which is why I am going to take a few (ok probably more than a few) lines to chat to all y'all and show how important talking can be.
There have been three times in my life that I have felt completely powerless and unable to let anybody in. Up to the point that I was depressed. I remember the dates so clearly. Obviously I try not to, but they are there. Late November 1999. Early January 2003 and Early September 2010. At those times, I felt absolutely terrible. But, and this is the most important thing. As bad as I was feeling mentally, there was someone there to listen to what I was going through. No matter how trivial or messed up it may have sounded to them, they listened. I remember just after my brother dying, I was offered counselling. I thought "Why? I didnt ask for it and I dont want it". Looking back, I can see that they were only trying to help, and if I did take them up on their offer, maybe I would have the where with all to handle other personal tribulations down the road better than I have. Sheer hindsight, I suppose. Only recently, when I heard the news about Gary Speed, I started welling up majorly. If only he had talked to somebody. It still upsets me, hearing stories like that.
But, going back to the talking. Something that has really come to the fore in this country is Mental Health and the stigmas around it. It is something that our so-called government could really man up and do something about. If they want to be remembered as a decent government and maintain some shred of credibilty, they could pump as much manned resources that are at their disposal into Mental Health Awareness. Pieta House are an organisation that do unbelievable work in helping people that may have suicidal thoughts or have self-harming tendencies. I know somebody that is setting up a coffee and cupcake morning in town next week to help fundraise for Pieta and I know it's going to be an incredible success. I have met the lady in question and she should be commended for this alone. Seriously.
To sum up. If something is on your mind,or is bothering you,please, I am begging you...dont leave it all bottled up. Talk to somebody about it. You'd never know, they could be going to their own personal battle and they in turn could open up to you. Words are a power that can be taken for granted so easily. Please take every chance you can to use them for good. Thank you.
another great post... Doll x