Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Card Sharks

As Ringo Starr once said to Marge Simpson - "Forgive the lateness of my reply" (or blog posting in this case). I haven't put text to screen in a while,simply because there hasnt been anything majorly captivating or bizarre to rant about.

Until now.

The last few weeks on tv3,there is a "programme" on after Vincent Brown finishes up. No,I'm not talking about the "National Entertainment Guide". I am of couese referring to "Psychic Readings Live". This is basically a two hour "entertainment service" as it is billed. You know something is up in this aspect when the tv3 voiceover person goes "We are taking a break from tv3 programming but will be back at half 2 with some obscure Steven Seagal film" (not that there is anything wrong with Steven Seagal,I'm a fan) and then..the creepy music kicks in..and then everyone is waiting with bated breath as to who the host/hostess of the show is. And let me tell you,boys and girls,there are some kooky hosts and hostesses on show.

Now,obviously,there are two kinds of caller that call up. Two very simple categories that they fall into. You have the pisstaker and you have the genuine case. See if you can guess which one is exploited more than the other? If you said "genuine case" then,gold star for you. Here are some examples (via @spookwoman)


Now,imagine hearing that guff and trying to go to bed after being told something like that? And at €2.44 a minute I might add! You can get other things cheaper at that hour of the morning (pizza of course) It's those people I feel sorry for,as they obviously are worried about whatever and they feel that being fleeced is the only way to go..probably leaves them even more flustered than before they even dialled it in.

Then,there are the people who seemingly think that a costly pisstake,is the most novel one. Sure,you can be down the pub the next night saying "Hai,I rang them psychic lads last night and called em a bollox,only cost me 19 quid for a finish"  but that 19 quid is 4 pints,look at it like that. Anyways, those calls,or trolls are amusing,I think we are enamoured in these to see thse supposed psychics get their comeuppance:

Actually,now that I think of it..there is another category of caller...a bit from column A and a bit from column B...they ring up knowing they have a legit gripe and will go to any lengths to get their point across.

As you can see,these characters dont like it when someone latches onto their act and quizzes them about it. Check out my own photographic evidence from FB that within an hour,my comments were deleted and was subsequently blocked from this guys FB and Twitter feed..for the crime of...having an opinion!!

So yeah,it is a show that I feel will not be on the air for that much longer. It is intruiging in some unusual way to watch,just to see will some randomer go completely apeshit on them or to see how low will they stoop with a worried person on the other end of the phone. And if the plug is pulled on this "information service". I will have seen it coming.

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