Travelling on public transport you tend to encounter all sorts of complex individuals. Two things that really get me annoyed are when you go on the bus and someone pretends to be asleep or has the bag on the seat beside them. Tres annoying!
I usually head out to the folks on a Saturday and head back to the city on the Sunday. I try to leave as early as possible because things are never normal when I'm on a bus it seems.Far from it. There is the lady that goes out of her way to sell raffle tickets on the bus to people. Of course when some eagle eyed good citizen pointed out that said raffle tickets were two months out of date,the jig was up. Another day earlier this year when we had our one and a half days of summer,she was in the front seat with a big bag of sausages.
And proceeded to start crying when a wasp kept flying around said bag. Maybe if she sold him a raffle ticket he might've buzzed off.
Now don't think I'm letting the mere mortal passengers get away with a tongue-lashing,oh no! Some of the drivers can be..err..less than cordial too. One day this quiet girl was getting on the bus and before she could finish the sentence as to where she was going the driver goes "come on come on,speak up!" and not in a friendly way either.
*honourable mention goes to the lady on the train (yes i know it was a bus blog but my blog my rules!) who said I was sitting in her reserved seat. Three times. I was polite the first two times but on the third occasion I went all "That's all I can stands I can't stands no more" and said "look missus,see the name above my head? Unless you had some gender modification (note how I didn't say sex change) I doubt this is your seat. She took the hint that she was in the wrong carriage and went on her way. That actually was the day of the Munster/Leinster match in Croke Park but we won't talk about that!!
Takes all sorts to make the world go 'round!