Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Lucky For Some..

Good morning world (yes it's just gone half 7 as I type this so I'm taking poetic licence and claiming it as morning). And another night of being in and out of sleep. Not with worry as such, more anxiety. Certainly not from watching the team I idolised now watch as a hobby for health reasons stumble to a scoreless draw with Wigan last night,thats for sure (sort it out Kenny,please). Anxiety and nervous anticipation of what this 'holiday season' will bring. 

Will there be headaches? Thankfully the only ones will be from two little nephews that will be in-house. I'm especially drawn to one of them,who clings to me like Spiderman does to a wall and won't let go of me when someone goes to take him away. His place in my heart was ensured when my sister went out of her way to tell me that he pouts incessantly when she takes a picture of me off the mantle and pulls it away from him. Ego boost or what! I've enough Balamory and Fireman Sam (who is a Grade A douche nowadays let me tell ya) to last me a lifetime,but they are good kids. I supposed I'm blessed in a way that Christmas is the worst time of year for some,for whatever reason. It has lost it's mojo in my eyes,so I will tough it out,personally. I'd say that's just me,but I know it isn't. 

On another note..this is my 13th blog. Did I think I'd get this far mapping out mini tales of my life? Honestly,no. 13 was (and still is) a number I go for. Bonus ball in the Lotto in syndicates or in the bookies. I took it. Christmas draw in the pub? Never went for the 1 or the ever so mature 69. No,I always went with thir feckin teen. I suppose I like doing things the hard way. Maybe I shouldn't be beating myself up half the time.

Happy Christmas,everyone. Be good to your families.

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