Music makes the world go round. But then they say that money makes the world go round. But they ALSO say that money is the root of all evil. Then some bright spark came along and said that music is the food of the soul. I think music wins this round. This time, anyway.
I LOVE music. I suppose it took me a while to embrace the whole bunch of genres that are all out there, but once I did,I was like a tub of Pringles. Once I popped (no, not that way you DIRTBIRD) I couldnt stop. This all came into an accelerated state what with tapes (remember them?) CD's and downloads (all above board,of course). I remember when I got my first Ipod and it took a bit of a tumble in where I was working and wouldnt play anything after the letter B. That device became forever the APod. Such is life but you try to explain going around only listening to AC/DC followed swiftly by America. Thank fuck ABBA wasnt there. Mamma Mia.
And of course then, you get bit by the music bug. I've forgotten a load of the gigs I was at, I (may) put it down to just the amount, or a Guinness haze, a lack of sleep, philandering with a like minded female after the gig or all of the above. Let's say all of the above, it makes me more appealing. Yeah (!) I remember 2000 was a good year for gigs, the year before I went to see Robbie Williams at Slane, which was a great spectacle. 80000 in a field in the middle of nowhere? It was a Farmers Journal conventions wet dream I'd imagine, but it was a fantastic gig. I went to see him two other times after that. (Please dont judge me. If you feel like doing so, I probably should say I have seen Norah Jones too. Yes sometimes I can be uber honest!) Anyways where was I? Oh yeah. 2000. Not the Disco that Jarvis Cocker was expecting but a good year for gigs nonetheless. I remember a gang of us going to Bon Jovi and the day after I got into an argument with a bunch of women. Nuns. Nuns STARTED on me because I..wait for it...let them on the bus before me. Why were they sour at this? Was there some badass convent that I didnt know about? Were they just looking to claim? In the end, I was tired, hungover and not in the form for it, so I just gave them a look that said "Look, Sister (or if you are going to some mid morning hen party dressed as a 70yr old nun) just get on the bus you are holding everyone else up. My ongoing battle with the church rages on!!
2001/2 was good for gigs too, saw U2 in Manchester and Slane (that field again) think the RHCP were around that time too? Couldve been 2000. But 2003 was a serious year for them. Think I saw so many that I missed a rake of work time from them all. But it was also the first year I seen this guy live:
Man, seriously, if you get even the remote chance to see Bruce Springsteen in concert, for the love of all that is sacred and holy..GO! It is the best live show you will ever see. Three hours + and no support and no break? Simply brilliant. I'm such an addict that I have seen him 8 times. Yes, 8. Five times in Dublin, once in Belfast, once in London (I can say that I have walked a few yards on the Emirates pitch) and once in Munich (a great city to get tired and emotional in, let me tell ya.) All going well I will be seeing him in Dublin again in the summer, and maybe a trip to London also. Maybe. The option is there, but the funds may not be. We'll see. Bruce is worshipped in the parish I am from originally. So much so that when some fella sang Born To Run on the X-Factor and made a complete hames of it, these three things happened. Now. I should let you now know, these chain of events happened in a local parish country pub. And I was NOT there. I must stress this also, but I got the 4-1-1 as the kids say. Okay. Disclaimer out of the way: I have the video put in just so you can put yourself in the moment, in the pub. Take that anyway you want to.
1) As the 'performance' starts on the telly, all the Bruce worshippers turn their backs to the tv. (Not too bad I
2) One asks the barman to MUTE the telly so they can play the 1975 edition of Born To Run in protest. (I am serious. This actually happened).
3) As the 'performance' ended, the bile in one poor fan got too much to bear and he uttered the classic "Fuckin imitator c*nt" and fired a full pint glass to the ground. (Was this a protest or was he just thick that his horse didnt come in, I dont know).
You can probably guess what happened when yer man got eliminated from the competition. Yep. Springsteen on the jukebox for the night and the whole tv mute, jukebox dub, pint glass smash vibe was all swept under the carpet, never to return. Well...until Cher Lloyd tries to cover a Bruce song..God help the parish.....
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